For the sake of absolute clarity:
The true FDS class are now going to be ruptured before the other anointed get their way. The generation of 1914 have been already overcrapped by those who came later and Armageddon will definitely arrive, immediately afterwards, like within 150 years (unless that is not convenient). So the faithful will get the reward of perpetual servitude under the GB so long as they answer up at the Watchtower study which now forbids any personal opinions or insights. All that is required to be a JW is to be able to read and praise the GB... but thinking is no longer permitted. Anyone with private thoughts at odds with the newly divine Governing Body is taken out to have their brains removed by the Bethel doctor. It is now compulsory to be permanently in debt to the JW org as a statement of worship. Everything is now “new light” since everything was wrong before but we must all thank and pray to the Governing Body since the new light seems to be coming out from their trousers.
I hope this explains the recent changes in the org.